


(優活健康網記者張瓊之/採訪報導)隨著飲食習慣的改變,使得現在肥胖問題越來越嚴重,不只有大人,連小孩也都一樣,根據國家衛生研究院統計顯示,台灣肥胖人口比例正逐年增加中。千禧之愛健康基金會陳欣勵表示,若青少年時期仍然肥胖,長大後有80%機率仍舊肥胖,不只受到代謝症候群的威脅,更容易養出肥胖的下一代。代謝症候群,指的就是腰圍過大,超過標準女80公分男90公分的民眾,若是罹患代謝症候群,未來罹患糖尿病、高血壓、高血脂症、腦中風以及心臟病的機率比常人高出多倍。家長的肥胖問題與孩童息息相關會造成兒童肥胖,最主要的問題來自於家庭,開業減重蕭敦仁醫師表示,兒童肥胖因原因除了遺傳外,有6成因素是來自於環境,因為大人的飲食習慣,會影響小孩對食物的喜好,就有國外的研究資料顯示,家中若有一位家長屬於肥胖者的話,孩童肥胖機率近2倍,不僅如此,若是兩位家長都肥胖者,孩童肥胖機率就會高達5倍。孩童肥胖恐導致5種影響此外,蕭敦仁醫師更指出5點孩童肥胖所造成的影響,已不單單只有外在,對於身體方面,其實問題也很多,所以,提醒各位家長若是孩童在國小一年級時,BMI指數仍處於異常的狀況下,建議至醫院檢查,以避免肥胖問題,困擾孩子們的一生:1)骨骼異常/髖關節較易脫位、脛骨彎曲。2)女童月經異常/因為初經與體脂間成正比,若是過多可能小於10歲就會提早來。3)肺功能障礙/容易出現氣喘、換氣不足等現象。4)假性腦瘤/有15%的患者小於20歲,其中又有90%為肥胖者。5)社交/給人懶惰、邋遢、骯髒、醜、笨拙、不能信任的印象。最後,預防勝於治療,在日常生活中就要養成良好習慣,在食方面攝取要均衡,避免食用過多的糖分,另外,在行為上除了要告訴腦袋哪些可以吃哪些不行,以避免分量攝取過多外,更要有良好的運動習慣,因為保持身材的最佳辦法,運動是個很重要的觀念。天下新鮮事 盡在FUN影音 Description Toggle View View View View View View 1 - 6 / 6 Photo: Courtesy Maria Kang/FacebookMaria Kang: 'What’s Your Excuse' Facebook MomWithout a doubt, our most controversial parent of 2013 was this California fitness expert, blogger, and mother of three.... 較多Photo: Courtesy Maria Kang/FacebookMaria Kang: 'What's Your Excuse' Facebook MomWithout a doubt, our most controversial parent of 2013 was this California fitness expert, blogger, and mother of three. She spent much of October and November defending a photo of herself scantily clad after it prompted a cavalcade of critics on Facebook critics to accuse her of fat-shaming women. The story spread like wildfire online, and then, in late November, she was in the spotlight again, this time for writing a pot-stirring Facebook post about plus-size women in lingerie. But the media storm has not silenced her. "It made me stronger in my convictions," Kang tells Yahoo Shine. Since it all began, "I am more criticized, especially with my views on the normalization of our nation's obesity crisis," she added. "But there is no polite way to say half our nation will be obese by 2030; our children are suffering from adult health-related diseases and our fat acceptance movement - which promotes a psychological positive body image over actual health - is a dangerous place to be." 較少 1 / 6 Shine 2013年10月15日週二 台北標準時間上午3時00分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image


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